这个实验是要实现在用户模式下多个同步活动的抢占式多任务处理。那么在A部分主要是为JOS添加支持多处理的功能,实现轮询调度(round-robin scheduling)并添加基本环境管理系统调用(创建和销毁环境、分配和映射内存)。
- 拓展JOS支持在多处理器系统上运行,为JOS内核实现新的系统调用,可以使用户态环境创建新的环境
- 实现轮询调度,运行内核可以在当前环境放弃CPU或退出时从一个环境切换到另一个环境
Multiprocessor Support
我们需要使JOS能够支撑“symmetric multiprocessing(SMP)”,也就是说多核模式下,所有的CPU都有相同的能力可以获得系统的资源,就比如说内存、I/O。那么在SMP下所有CPU在功能上等同的情况下,在引导(boot)过程中,它们被分成两类:
- the bootstrap processor (BSP)初始化系统,启动操作系统;
- the application processors (APs) ,仅在系统加载完成并运行后由BSP触发。
- 观察LAPIC标志符(APIC ID)判断我们代码此时在哪一个CPU上运行(可见cpunum());
- 向APs发送来自BSP的处理器间中断STARTUP,带起其他的CPUs(可见lapic_startap())
- 在C部分的实验会编写LAPLIC的内建时钟,触发时钟中断以支持抢占式多处理(可见apic_init())
处理器利用内核映射的I/O(MMIO)获取它的LAPIC。在MMIO中,物理地址的一部分与一些I/O设备的寄存器式硬连接的,因此用来获取内存的load/store指令也就可以用来获取设备寄存器。在物理地址0xA0000处的I/O槽就可以向VGA显示缓冲写入。LAPIC从物理地址0xFE000000(32MB short of 4GB)开始,它的地址过高以至于我们仅用在KERNBASE的映射很难获取到它。JOS虚拟内存在MMIOBASE之上映射了一个4MB的空间,在那我们就可以映射像LAPIC这样的设备。因为接下来的实验中会有更多的MMIO的地方,因此需要写一个简单的函数来分配空间。
Exercise 1. Implement mmio_map_region in kern/pmap.c. To see how this is used, look at the beginning of lapic_init in kern/lapic.c. You’ll have to do the next exercise, too, before the tests for mmio_map_region will run.
在做这个之前,现阅读一下上面提到的kern/lapic.c文件,因为这是lapic单元的功能函数,首先是在代码中预定义了局部的寄存器Local APIC registers,根据注释得知函数lapic_init会 将LAPIC的物理地址映射到虚拟地址上,以便我们能够获取这些地址。那因此调用了kern/pmap.c中的函数mmio_map_region。根据函数及其注释,mmio_map_region有两个参数physaddr_t pa
以及size_t size
lapicaddr pa
是LAPIC的4K的MMIO区的物理地址size_t size
由于JOS虚拟内存在MMIOBASE上预留了4GB大小的空间,因此就可以将这4K大小的空间映射到那里,因此对于mmio_map_region中的base参数自然就是MMIOBASE地址。然后从base开始,将物理地址[pa,pa+size)映射到虚拟地址[base,base+size)上,由于这是设备内存而不是普通的DRAM,这就需要告诉CPU使用cache获取它的内存是不安全的。幸运的是页表提供了这个标识位可以达到这个目的(PTE_PCD | PTE_PWT cache-disable and write-through 以及 PTE_W)。 |
// Reserve size bytes in the MMIO region and map [pa,pa+size) at this
// location. Return the base of the reserved region. size does *not*
// have to be multiple of PGSIZE.
void *
mmio_map_region(physaddr_t pa, size_t size)
static uintptr_t base = MMIOBASE;
// Be sure to round size up to a multiple of PGSIZE and to
// handle if this reservation would overflow MMIOLIM (it's
// okay to simply panic if this happens).
// Hint: The staff solution uses boot_map_region.
// Your code here:
size = ROUNDUP(pa+size, PGSIZE);
size -= pa;
if (base+size >= MMIOLIM) panic("not enough memory");
//Map [va, va+size) of virtual address space to physical [pa, pa+size)
boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, base, size, pa, PTE_PCD|PTE_PWT|PTE_W);
base += size;
return (void*) (base - size);
// panic("mmio_map_region not implemented");
Application Processor Bootstrap
在启动APs之前,BSP需要首先收集一些多处理器系统的信息,比如说有多少个CPU,以及它们的APLIC ID、LAPIC单元的MMIO地址是多少。在kern/mpconfig.c中的函数mp_init() 通过阅读内存BIOS区的MP配置表检索这些信息。kern/init.c中的函数boot_aps()驱动了AP启动进程,AP在实模式下启动,与bootloader在boot/boot.S启动类似,因此boot_aps()拷贝了AP的入口代码(kern/mpentry.S)给在实模式下可达的内存区域。与bootloader不同的是,我们可以控制AP将在哪里执行代码,将入口代码拷贝到0x7000(MPENTRY_PADDR),在640K以下的任何没用的对齐的物理地址都可以使用。 之后,boot_aps函数通过发送STARTUP的IPI(处理器间中断)信号到AP的LAPIC单元来一个个地激活AP。在kern/mpentry.S中的入口代码跟boot/boot.S中的代码类似。在一些简短的配置后,它使AP进入开启分页机制的保护模式,调用C语言的setup函数mp_main。
Exercise 2. Read boot_aps() and mp_main() in kern/init.c, and the assembly code in kern/mpentry.S. Make sure you understand the control flow transfer during the bootstrap of APs. Then modify your implementation of page_init() in kern/pmap.c to avoid adding the page at MPENTRY_PADDR to the free list, so that we can safely copy and run AP bootstrap code at that physical address. Your code should pass the updated check_page_free_list() test (but might fail the updated check_kern_pgdir() test, which we will fix soon).
现阅读一下boot_aps(),该函数启动APs处理器,按照注释,首先是将入口代码写入在MPENTRY_PADDR处的未使用的内存区域。 得到在mpentry.S中的代码;mp_main()是为APs设置好代码。
// LAB 4:
// Change your code to mark the physical page at MPENTRY_PADDR
// as in use
// The example code here marks all physical pages as free.
// However this is not truly the case. What memory is free?
// 1) Mark physical page 0 as in use.
// This way we preserve the real-mode IDT and BIOS structures
// in case we ever need them. (Currently we don't, but...)
// 2) The rest of base memory, [PGSIZE, npages_basemem * PGSIZE)
// is free.
// 3) Then comes the IO hole [IOPHYSMEM, EXTPHYSMEM), which must
// never be allocated.
// 4) Then extended memory [EXTPHYSMEM, ...).
// Some of it is in use, some is free. Where is the kernel
// in physical memory? Which pages are already in use for
// page tables and other data structures?
// Change the code to reflect this.
// NB: DO NOT actually touch the physical memory corresponding to
// free pages!
cprintf("npages_basemem: %x\n", npages_basemem);
size_t i;
for (i = 1; i < MPENTRY_PADDR/PGSIZE; i++) {
pages[i].pp_ref = 0;
pages[i].pp_link = page_free_list;
page_free_list = &pages[i];
// int med = (int)ROUNDUP(kern_top - 0xf0000000, PGSIZE)/PGSIZE;
int med = (int)ROUNDUP(((char*)envs) + (sizeof(struct Env) * NENV) - 0xf0000000, PGSIZE)/PGSIZE;
// med = (int) percpu_kstacks[NCPU-1];
cprintf("med: %x\n", med);
for (i = med; i < npages; i++) {
pages[i].pp_ref = 0;
pages[i].pp_link = page_free_list;
page_free_list = &pages[i];
Per-CPU State and Initialization
。文件kern/cpu.h 定义了大部分的每个CPU状态,包括了存放每个CPU的变量struct CpuInfo
也能简略表达struct CpuInfo
- 每个CPU的内核栈(Per-CPU kernel stack)
在实验2中将BSP的内核栈的物理地址映射到KSTACKTOP以下的区域。类似得,在这次实验中,需要将CPU的每一个内核栈映射到该区域,以及作为它们之间的一个缓冲的保护页。CPU 0 的栈将会从KSTACKTOP向下增长;CPU 1的栈将会在CPU 0 之下,再间隔KSTKGAP字节向下增长,以此类推。文件inc/memlayout.h展现了这个映射图。
- 每个CPU的TSS 和 TSS 描述(Per-CPU TSS and TSS descriptor)
每个CPU的任务状态段(TSS)也是必须的,为了能够具体说明每个CPU的内核栈的生存。CPU i 的TSS储存在cpus[i].cpu_ts中,对应的TSS描述符定义在GDT条目gdt[(GD_TSS0 » 3) + i]中。定义在kern/trap.c中的全局变量ts不再起作用了。
- (每个CPU当前环境的指针)Per-CPU current environment pointer.
- 每个CPU的系统寄存器(Per-CPU system registers)
所有的寄存器,包括系统寄存器都对CPU是私有的。因此,初始化这些寄存器的指令,例如lcr3(), ltr(), lgdt(), lidt()等,必须在每一个CPU上执行一次。函数env_init_percpu() 和trap_init_percpu()就是为次设计的。
Exercise 3. Modify mem_init_mp() (in kern/pmap.c) to map per-CPU stacks starting at KSTACKTOP, as shown in inc/memlayout.h. The size of each stack is KSTKSIZE bytes plus KSTKGAP bytes of unmapped guard pages. Your code should pass the new check in check_kern_pgdir().
// 修改在kern_pgdir的映射支持对称多处理SMP
static void mem_init_mp(void)
// Map per-CPU stacks starting at KSTACKTOP, for up to 'NCPU' CPUs.
// For CPU i, use the physical memory that 'percpu_kstacks[i]' refers
// to as its kernel stack. CPU i's kernel stack grows down from virtual
// address kstacktop_i = KSTACKTOP - i * (KSTKSIZE + KSTKGAP), and is
// divided into two pieces, just like the single stack you set up in
// mem_init:
// * [kstacktop_i - KSTKSIZE, kstacktop_i)
// -- backed by physical memory
// * [kstacktop_i - (KSTKSIZE + KSTKGAP), kstacktop_i - KSTKSIZE)
// -- not backed; so if the kernel overflows its stack,
// it will fault rather than overwrite another CPU's stack.
// Known as a "guard page".
// Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
// LAB 4: Your code here:
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NCPU; ++i) {
cprintf("percpu_kstacks[%d]: %x\n", i, percpu_kstacks[i]);
Exercise 4. The code in trap_init_percpu() (kern/trap.c) initializes the TSS and TSS descriptor for the BSP. It worked in Lab 3, but is incorrect when running on other CPUs. Change the code so that it can work on all CPUs. (Note: your new code should not use the global ts variable any more.)
// 初始化和加载每个CPU的 TSS 与 IDT
// The example code here sets up the Task State Segment (TSS) and
// the TSS descriptor for CPU 0. But it is incorrect if we are
// running on other CPUs because each CPU has its own kernel stack.
// Fix the code so that it works for all CPUs.
// Hints:
// - The macro "thiscpu" always refers to the current CPU's
// struct CpuInfo;
// - The ID of the current CPU is given by cpunum() or
// thiscpu->cpu_id;
// - Use "thiscpu->cpu_ts" as the TSS for the current CPU,
// rather than the global "ts" variable;
// - Use gdt[(GD_TSS0 >> 3) + i] for CPU i's TSS descriptor;
// - You mapped the per-CPU kernel stacks in mem_init_mp()
// ltr sets a 'busy' flag in the TSS selector, so if you
// accidentally load the same TSS on more than one CPU, you'll
// get a triple fault. If you set up an individual CPU's TSS
// wrong, you may not get a fault until you try to return from
// user space on that CPU.
// LAB 4: Your code here:
int cid = thiscpu->cpu_id;
// Setup a TSS so that we get the right stack
// when we trap to the kernel.
thiscpu->cpu_ts.ts_esp0 = KSTACKTOP - cid * (KSTKSIZE + KSTKGAP);
thiscpu->cpu_ts.ts_ss0 = GD_KD;
// Initialize the TSS slot of the gdt.
gdt[(GD_TSS0 >> 3)+cid] = SEG16(STS_T32A, (uint32_t) (&(thiscpu->cpu_ts)),
sizeof(struct Taskstate), 0);
gdt[(GD_TSS0 >> 3)+cid].sd_s = 0;
// Load the TSS selector (like other segment selectors, the
// bottom three bits are special; we leave them 0)
// Load the IDT
Physical memory: 66556K available, base = 640K, extended = 65532K
check_page_alloc() succeeded!
check_page() succeeded!
check_kern_pgdir() succeeded!
check_page_installed_pgdir() succeeded!
SMP: CPU 0 found 4 CPU(s)
enabled interrupts: 1 2
SMP: CPU 1 starting
SMP: CPU 2 starting
SMP: CPU 3 starting
kern/spinlock.h 声明了这样的一个内核锁,叫做kernel_lock。它提供了lock_kernel() 和 unlock_kernel(). 你需要在四个地方用到内核锁:
- i386_init(), 在BSP唤醒其它CPU之前需要得到锁。
- mp_main(), 在初始化AP周后得到锁,然后调用sched_yield()开始在AP上运行环境。
- trap(), 当从用户模式陷入时需要获得锁。确认一个陷入发生在用户模式还是内核模式可以检查tf_cs的低位.
- env_run(), 在切换到用户模式之前释放锁。不要太早或太晚干这事,否则会发生竞速或死锁。
Exercise 5. Apply the big kernel lock as described above, by calling lock_kernel() and unlock_kernel() at the proper locations.
- i386_init()
// Acquire the big kernel lock before waking up APs
// Your code here:
// Starting non-bo
- mp_main()
// Now that we have finished some basic setup, call sched_yield()
// to start running processes on this CPU. But make sure that
// only one CPU can enter the scheduler at a time!
// Your code here:
- trap()
// Trapped from user mode.
// Acquire the big kernel lock before doing any
// serious kernel work.
// LAB 4: Your code here.
- env_run()
if (curenv != e) {
if (curenv && curenv->env_status == ENV_RUNNING)
curenv->env_status = ENV_RUNNABLE;
curenv = e;
e->env_status = ENV_RUNNING;
Round-Robin Scheduling
接下来的任务是改变JOS内核,实现round-robin调度算法。 主要是在sched_yield函数内实现,从该核上一次运行的进程开始,在进程描述符表中寻找下一个可以运行的进程,如果没找到而且上一个进程依然是可以运行的,那么就可以继续运行上一个进程,同时将这个算法实现为了一个系统调用,进程可以主动放弃CPU。
- 函数sched_yield负责选择一个新的运行环境。它从数组envs[]中有序查询,从之前运行的环境开始(如果之前没有运行环境的话就从数组的第一个元素开始)挑选第一个在ENV_RUNNABLE状态下的环境,然后调用env_run函数,跳到哪个环境中。
- sched_yield不能停尸在两个CPU上运行相同的环境。
- 我们还提供了一个新的系统调用sys_yield,用户环境下可以调用它唤醒内核的sched_yield函数,然后主动放弃CPU给不同的环境。
Exercise 6. Implement round-robin scheduling in sched_yield() as described above. Don’t forget to modify syscall() to dispatch sys_yield().
// Choose a user environment to run and run it.
struct Env *idle;
// Implement simple round-robin scheduling.
// Search through 'envs' for an ENV_RUNNABLE environment in
// circular fashion starting just after the env this CPU was
// last running. Switch to the first such environment found.
// If no envs are runnable, but the environment previously
// running on this CPU is still ENV_RUNNING, it's okay to
// choose that environment.
// Never choose an environment that's currently running on
// another CPU (env_status == ENV_RUNNING). If there are
// no runnable environments, simply drop through to the code
// below to halt the cpu.
// LAB 4: Your code here.
struct Env *e;
// cprintf("curenv: %x\n", curenv);
int i, cur=0;
if (curenv) cur=ENVX(curenv->env_id);
else cur = 0;
// cprintf("cur: %x, thiscpu: %x\n", cur, thiscpu->cpu_id);
for (i = 0; i < NENV; ++i) {
int j = (cur+i) % NENV;
if (j < 2) cprintf("envs[%x].env_status: %x\n", j, envs[j].env_status);
if (envs[j].env_status == ENV_RUNNABLE) {
if (j == 1)
env_run(envs + j);
if (curenv && curenv->env_status == ENV_RUNNING)
// sched_halt never returns
// cprintf("Nothing runnable\n");
// Deschedule current environment and pick a different one to run.
static void sys_yield(void)
System Calls for Environment Creation
虽然你的内核现在有能力运行和切换多用户级进程,但是它仍然只能跑内核初始创建的进程。你现在将实现必要的JOS系统调用来运行用户进程来创建和启动其它新的用户进程。 Unix提供了fork系统调用来创建进程,它拷贝父进程的整个地址空间到新创建的子进程。两个进程之间唯一的区别是它们的进程ID,在父进程fork返回的是子进程ID,而在子进程fork返回的是0。 你将实现一个不同的更原始的JOS系统调用来创建进程。利用这些系统调用能实现类似Unix的fork函数。 你将为JOS写的新的系统调用如下:
- sys_exofork
- sys_env_set_status
- sys_page_alloc
- sys_page_map
- sys_page_unmap
Exercise 7. Implement the system calls described above in kern/syscall.c. You will need to use various functions in kern/pmap.c and kern/env.c, particularly envid2env(). For now, whenever you call envid2env(), pass 1 in the checkperm parameter. Be sure you check for any invalid system call arguments, returning -E_INVAL in that case. Test your JOS kernel with user/dumbfork and make sure it works before proceeding.
- sys_exofork
// Allocate a new environment.
// Returns envid of new environment, or < 0 on error. Errors are:
// -E_NO_FREE_ENV if no free environment is available.
// -E_NO_MEM on memory exhaustion.
static envid_t
// Create the new environment with env_alloc(), from kern/env.c.
// It should be left as env_alloc created it, except that
// status is set to ENV_NOT_RUNNABLE, and the register set is copied
// from the current environment -- but tweaked so sys_exofork
// will appear to return 0.
// LAB 4: Your code here.
struct Env *e;
int ret = env_alloc(&e, curenv->env_id);
if (ret) return ret;
e->env_tf = curenv->env_tf;
e->env_status = ENV_NOT_RUNNABLE;
e->env_tf.tf_regs.reg_eax = 0;
cprintf("e pgdir: %x\n", e, e->env_pgdir);
return e->env_id;
panic("sys_exofork not implemented");
- sys_env_set_status
// Set envid's env_status to status, which must be ENV_RUNNABLE // or ENV_NOT_RUNNABLE. // // Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error. Errors are: // -E_BAD_ENV if environment envid doesn't currently exist, // or the caller doesn't have permission to change envid. // -E_INVAL if status is not a valid status for an environment. static int sys_env_set_status(envid_t envid, int status) { // Hint: Use the 'envid2env' function from kern/env.c to translate an // envid to a struct Env. // You should set envid2env's third argument to 1, which will // check whether the current environment has permission to set // envid's status. // LAB 4: Your code here. if (status != ENV_NOT_RUNNABLE && status != ENV_RUNNABLE) return -E_INVAL; struct Env *e; int ret = envid2env(envid, &e, 1); if (ret) return ret; //bad_env e->env_status = status; return 0; panic("sys_env_set_status not implemented"); }
- sys_page_alloc
// Allocate a page of memory and map it at 'va' with permission // 'perm' in the address space of 'envid'. // The page's contents are set to 0. // If a page is already mapped at 'va', that page is unmapped as a // side effect. // // perm -- PTE_U | PTE_P must be set, PTE_AVAIL | PTE_W may or may not be set, // but no other bits may be set. See PTE_SYSCALL in inc/mmu.h. // // Return 0 on success, < 0 on error. Errors are: // -E_BAD_ENV if environment envid doesn't currently exist, // or the caller doesn't have permission to change envid. // -E_INVAL if va >= UTOP, or va is not page-aligned. // -E_INVAL if perm is inappropriate (see above). // -E_NO_MEM if there's no memory to allocate the new page, // or to allocate any necessary page tables. static int sys_page_alloc(envid_t envid, void *va, int perm) { // Hint: This function is a wrapper around page_alloc() and // page_insert() from kern/pmap.c. // Most of the new code you write should be to check the // parameters for correctness. // If page_insert() fails, remember to free the page you // allocated! struct Env *e; int ret = envid2env(envid, &e, 1); if (ret) return ret; //bad_env if (va >= (void*)UTOP) return -E_INVAL; int flag = PTE_U|PTE_P; if ((perm & flag) != flag) return -E_INVAL; struct PageInfo *pg = page_alloc(1);//init to zero if (!pg) return -E_NO_MEM; pg->pp_ref++; ret = page_insert(e->env_pgdir, pg, va, perm); if (ret) { page_free(pg); return ret; } return 0; // LAB 4: Your code here. panic("sys_page_alloc not implemented"); }
- sys_page_map
// Map the page of memory at 'srcva' in srcenvid's address space // at 'dstva' in dstenvid's address space with permission 'perm'. // Perm has the same restrictions as in sys_page_alloc, except // that it also must not grant write access to a read-only // page. // // Return 0 on success, < 0 on error. Errors are: // -E_BAD_ENV if srcenvid and/or dstenvid doesn't currently exist, // or the caller doesn't have permission to change one of them. // -E_INVAL if srcva >= UTOP or srcva is not page-aligned, // or dstva >= UTOP or dstva is not page-aligned. // -E_INVAL is srcva is not mapped in srcenvid's address space. // -E_INVAL if perm is inappropriate (see sys_page_alloc). // -E_INVAL if (perm & PTE_W), but srcva is read-only in srcenvid's // address space. // -E_NO_MEM if there's no memory to allocate any necessary page tables. static int sys_page_map(envid_t srcenvid, void *srcva, envid_t dstenvid, void *dstva, int perm) { // Hint: This function is a wrapper around page_lookup() and // page_insert() from kern/pmap.c. // Again, most of the new code you write should be to check the // parameters for correctness. // Use the third argument to page_lookup() to // check the current permissions on the page. // LAB 4: Your code here. // -E_BAD_ENV if srcenvid and/or dstenvid doesn't currently exist, // or the caller doesn't have permission to change one of them. struct Env *se, *de; int ret = envid2env(srcenvid, &se, 1); if (ret) return ret; //bad_env ret = envid2env(dstenvid, &de, 1); if (ret) return ret; //bad_env cprintf("src env: %x, dst env: %x, src va: %x, dst va: %x\n", se->env_id, de->env_id, srcva, dstva); // -E_INVAL if srcva >= UTOP or srcva is not page-aligned, // or dstva >= UTOP or dstva is not page-aligned. if (srcva>=(void*)UTOP || dstva>=(void*)UTOP || ROUNDDOWN(srcva,PGSIZE)!=srcva || ROUNDDOWN(dstva,PGSIZE)!=dstva) return -E_INVAL; // -E_INVAL is srcva is not mapped in srcenvid's address space. pte_t *pte; struct PageInfo *pg = page_lookup(se->env_pgdir, srcva, &pte); if (!pg) return -E_INVAL; // -E_INVAL if perm is inappropriate (see sys_page_alloc). int flag = PTE_U|PTE_P; if ((perm & flag) != flag) return -E_INVAL; // -E_INVAL if (perm & PTE_W), but srcva is read-only in srcenvid's // address space. if (((*pte&PTE_W) == 0) && (perm&PTE_W)) return -E_INVAL; // -E_NO_MEM if there's no memory to allocate any necessary page tables. ret = page_insert(de->env_pgdir, pg, dstva, perm); return ret; panic("sys_page_map not implemented"); }
- sys_page_unmap
// Unmap the page of memory at 'va' in the address space of 'envid'. // If no page is mapped, the function silently succeeds. // // Return 0 on success, < 0 on error. Errors are: // -E_BAD_ENV if environment envid doesn't currently exist, // or the caller doesn't have permission to change envid. // -E_INVAL if va >= UTOP, or va is not page-aligned. static int sys_page_unmap(envid_t envid, void *va) { // Hint: This function is a wrapper around page_remove(). // LAB 4: Your code here. if (va>=(void*)UTOP || ROUNDDOWN(va,PGSIZE)!=va) return -E_INVAL; struct Env *e; int ret = envid2env(envid, &e, 1); if (ret) return ret; //bad_env page_remove(e->env_pgdir, va); return 0; panic("sys_page_unmap not implemented"); }
- http://46aae4d1e2371e4aa769798941cef698.devproxy.yunshipei.com/bysui/article/details/51567733
- https://github.com/Clann24/jos/tree/master/lab4/partA